Saturday, 31 January 2015

Tear Drops jigger affliction

Watch out what made every one break into tears after seeing a colony of jiggers in an old woman's feet.

Saturday, 17 January 2015


Help us KILL THE JIGGER  by commenting positively to encourage us excavate this monsters called jiggers and make Africa The best place in the world. you can also visit our website

to donate in purpose to facilitate the project. donations make our jigger eradication effective. we get medcations from you and locomotion made easy for us to reach the jigger victims. Remember our world is one of terrible contradictions. Plenty of food, but one billion people go hungry. Lavish lifestyles for a few, but poverty for too many others. Huge advances in medicine while mothers die every day in childbirth, and children die every day from drinking dirty water. this is a time we have to say NO  to poverty and eradicate it. we are dedicated to excavate jiggers in reduction to poverty and make an African child school without itchiness from this jigger menace.